PICPgm Software

The PICPgm programmer software is available with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a Command Line interface. The programmer software runs on Windows 9x/ME/2k/XP. The interface to the PIC microcontroller is the PC's parallel port (printer port). A driver which is necessary to access the parallel port under Windows 2k/XP is included and loaded automatically by the programmer software (no user interaction necessary).
The PICPgm programmer automatically detects the connected programmer hardware and the PIC microcontroller which is connected and uses the appropriate programming method for the chip.
The PICPgm programmer programms the flash memory (code), the internal EEPROM and configuration bits from data provided in the HEX file. It is also possible to read out the chip and save the data in Intel-HEX file format.

PICPgm with GUI (Graphical User Interface)
The GUI version of the PICPgm Programmer is designed to be very simple and intuitive to use.
In the toolbar all operations can be selected and started. In the "Locations" field it is possible to decide which memory region shall be affected by the selected operation.
In the "Device Information" the automatically detected PIC typ is displayed.
In the status bar information about the Programmer can be found (which programmer has been detected and which port it is connected to).
PICPgm with Command Line Interface
The Command Line Version of the PICPgm Programmer has the same features like the GUI version.
The Command Line Version of the PICPgm Programmer is controlled via command line arguments and so it can be used in Batch programms or can be invoked by a Compliler IDE or something else.
A list of all supported command line arguments is shown when the PICPgm is started with the argument -h, e.g: C:\picpgm>picpgm -h
Integrate PICPgm into your IDE
PICPgm can be easily integrated into your IDE. Here an example of how to integrate PICPgm into CCS Compiler IDE:
Open the Debugger/Programmer options dialog:
Enter the path where PICPgm has been installed:
Now PICPgm can be started directly from CCS IDE via the tools menu:
Integrate PICPgm into Windows Explorer (SendTo)
PICPgm can be easily also be integrated into your Windows Explorer. This can be achieved by creating a link to the PICPgm executable in your SendTo folder:
Create a shortcut link to the PICPgm executable WinPICPgm.exe. Copy this shortcut link into your SendTo folder C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\SendTo. Rename the shortcut "Program with PICPgm".
Now you can start program a HEX file directly from the Explorer:

Source : PICPgm & http://elecproj.blogspot.com

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